Thursday, October 9, 2008

Goretrade – Perception Of Hate

Perception Of Hate
Displeased Records

Uh, if you’re going to sing in English, please, PLEASE learn to speak with at least a minor degree of coherence first.

Granted, the grinding whatnot herein masks the grunting of frontman Cesar Vera but lines like “Walking on the feet that never more,” “You go under of you, and there you capture the pains” and “You don’t be a feckless or bitter” make it really difficult to take this record seriously in any fashion whatsoever.

“Perception Of Hate” is pretty close to demo quality, which never helps a grind record along. Sloppy and incoherent, the grand majority of sounds here come off as a completely intoxicated Cookie Monster stumbling through a field of objects of impalement, with most of those said objects finding their way into his guts and up his ass. Intrigued? Then continue on, fine reader.

Guitar-wise, the playing is moderately weak, as Vera and Mauricio Penagos fumble around with simplistic, one-string noise and duh-duh-duh-duh patterns that are older than the dirt used to fill in the graves that are sung about here. While it’s safe to say that Goretrade is giving its best at creating orchestral chaos, “Perception Of Hate” results in a grinding, gurgling mess that’s all the more amusing being that this quartet appears to be deadly serious about what they’re doing.

Know what it looks like when a four year old is trying to draw a picture but hasn’t mastered the motor skills to do so?

It’s a scribbled muddle that could be a dinosaur, a jet plane or yes, even ol’ Cookie himself. This record is just like that.


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